Differences between a cryptocurrency broker and an exchange

The principles of crypto brokers are different from those of crypto exchanges. Brokers let clients trade cryptos as CFDs, meaning there are not many crypto assets available. What gives crypto brokers credit and reliability is that they are under government control, meaning nobody can bypass 

The Role of an Introducing Broker: A Comprehensive Guide

For example, if they want to educate new traders on how to become successful, they might have to structure an online course or webinar or even provide one-to-one training. Once the application is approved, you will need to open a bank account for your business 

Bullish Breakouts: Channel Down and Falling Wedge Patterns

This article explains the structure of a falling wedge formation, its importance as well as technical approach to trading this pattern. We will discuss the rising wedge pattern in a separate blog post. Wedges are the type of continuation as well as the reversal chart